
Well... Welcome to my ABOUT page!!! Yay! I am guessing you are here to get the gist of what I do and who I am(: So I am going to answer random questions about myself!

1. Who are you?!
I am Brooklyn Jane Williams, and I live in Australia(: I am 14 years old and my birthday is February 18th. I have lived in Finland, London, and Australia and I must say I loved them all(: I have a mum, a pops, a younger brother, and a cat named Sabrina.

2. Why did you start blogging?
Well, if you really want to know, I got inspired by MonicaTy, and Emily! They are and have been my inspiration for a while(: So I decided "Hmmmm... I should make a blog and see if I could be as inspirational as them!" and that is what brought you here! You stumbled apoun this little blog and I really hope you enjoy it!

3. What is your favorite color(s)?
Red, Yellow, Teal, Orange, Lime Green, and Soft Pink.

4. What are some activities you like to do?
Taking pictures, editing pictures, blogging, writing, drawing and painting, making collab pictures with friends, and reading. 

5. Favorite books?
HUNGER GAMES and MAXIMUM RIDE!!! Forever and ever! <3

6. What makes you different from others?
I guess my individualistic personality and look. I don't really know!

7. Favorite stores?
Forever 21! I don't shop there often, but I absolutely love it! Oh and I guess modcloth as well, but I don't buy from there too much either! Eeek!

8. Who do you wish you could spend a day with?
Well I have like 5 people! Emma and ElsieTyMonica, and Emily. I wish I could spend a day with all of them! And then we could all make stuff together!!! That would be the best day EVER!

9. Favorite Shows/Movies?
Psych, Ugly Betty reruns, The Hunger Games, Captain America, Super 8, The Avengers, and Phoebe in Wonderland. Probably many more but I can't remember them all!!!

10. Favorite Music?
Oh don't even get me started!!! Just Kidding! So I guess Of Monsters and Men, Kate Nash, Regina Spektor, Mumford and Sons, Sia, Lena, Florence + the Machine, Kimbra, Ed Sheeran, Vampire Weekend, The Script, and many more that I just don't feel like naming.

Welp... I have no IDEA if that answered any of your questions! If you want to contact me just email me  phoebeinwonderland143(at)gmail(.com)

Thank you for reading my rant about myself!

Take It Easy My Loves!


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